Friday, May 11, 2012

Orange Walk, Belize; Day 19

This morning I woke up at 5:50am and got dressed and went down to the beach to watch the sun rise :) there was maybe 10-15 of us that were down there at the beach.. at first it wasn't that pretty, there were lots of clouds in the way of the sun. But after a while the sun came out from behind the clouds and it was really beautiful. Just writing this now, I was thinking about how the sunrise can be like our lives? Sometimes its not that pretty, there's dark times and clouds that can prevent us from seeing what's next, from seeing the light. But!! If we keep our eyes to the SON, we will always see the brighter day, a beautiful end. I know its true!
After we ate breakfast and checked out we had a 3 hour bus ride to a Maya Culture museum - which ended up being closed. We did get to see other exhibits in the museum though, like an extensive Barbie collection. There was Barbies in there I had never even heard of! After that we got ready to cross the border to Belize.
We've gotten kindof close with out bus driver, Jose Luis. He came to church a couple times with us and testimonies were given in spanish for him. Our leaders have been talking to him about the church and he seems at least minorly interested so as a parting gift, we gave him a Book of Mormon in Spanish and wrote all our names and little messages inside about how we hope he'd share it with his family and pray about its truth and know that its important to us and because of that we want to share it with him, because we've grown to love him and want him to know it too. We also gave him a group picture of us from Mexico City and a generous tip for all he's done for us. It was sad to say goodbye to him and to our fancy bus!! :(
We got off our bus, handed over our passports and visas, got back on the bus and drove across the border.. them we got to customs and immigration, went through no problem and met our new bus. Its like a school bus only painted (appropriately) red, white and blue and it has air conditioning. There wasn't enough seats because we had to pack the luggage on the inside and the air conditioner leaked really bad everywhere haha.. it's gonna be a fun week!
We have somewhat of a tour guide/travel agent with us to show all the good restaurants and hotels. He also surprised us and told us that we're going ziplining on Tuesday! We've been bugging our tour directors since the very beginning but they said it wasn't possible. It'll be fun to go! We're missing the zoo though in order to go ziplining, Im kinda sad about that because the zoo was supposed to be really good but its ok
So we ate dinner at some restaurant and we all had American food. It was so good. Haha and everyone speaks english! Its so nice! There was a guy playing with a band at the restaurant, playing Tom Petty and Journey, and just some other good stuff. It was really fun.

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