Friday, May 4, 2012

Palenque, Mexico; Day 12

Today we had to be down in throe lobby for breakfast at 530am and on the bus at 6. So early! It wasn't bad though. We had to get up so early because our bus ride to Yaxchilan ruins was 3 hours. I guess its not a good area to stay the night in so that's why we're driving there and then driving back to Palenque. We got there and it was sorta overcast, I was thinking it might be cool weather but nope it was consistently hot and humid and within the hour the sun came sizzling out! We got in these cool little boats and took a 10-15 minute boat ride on the Usamacinta River to the Yaxchilan ruins. One side of the river is Mexico and the other side is Guatemala, we were really excited and were taking pictures and saying 'We're in Guatemala!!!' when we were on the boats.
Touring the ruins was cool, we had a guide again and he gave us a really good tour and explanation of everything. There are alot of steals still here at the site, though many have been moved to an anthropological museum in London. There are some really awesome lintels still intact here though!! That was way cool. We saw toucans and howler monkeys again. Like we did at Palenque. I brought my binoculars this time!
On our way out of the site, our tour directors surprised us and had our boat drivers take us to the shore at Guatemala. We got to stay for about 5 minutes, took a picture at a sign that said "Bienvenidos a Guatemala" and we left lol. Haha so it was unofficial and probably illegal and there's no stamp on my passport but I've been to Guatemala!
We ate lunch after the boat ride but it was so sultry outside I wasn't really hungry. We took the bus back to Palenque, 4.5 hours back. We got stopped by the Mexican Military National Guard but it was no big deal. We had pizza for dinner!!! Hawaiian and a veggie pizza and a jalepeno, avocado, chorizo pizza haha. It was so good.
Tomorrow we leave Palenque for Villahermosa. We will go to La Venta, which Im pretty excited for. Then on to the Yucatan! Uxmal, Chichen Itza, TULUM! And Belize!! The end of the trip is coming so fast, I can't believe it. Ill be grateful to step back on US soil though that's for sure!

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