Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Palenque, Mexico; Day 10

Today we checked out of our hotel in San Cristobal after breakfast and made our way to Agua Azul! It was about a 4-5 hour drive. When we got there it was SO hot and humid.. its like the jungle/rainforest out here! Agua Azul was so beautiful. At first we were swimming really far away from the falls behind some safety ropes, but then the lifeguards allowed us to go in groups right over to the falls. It was incredible how pale blue the water was. We took a group picture, while we were trying to do that, one girl slipped and started falling down the waterfall and almost went down, some of the students tried pulling her up but she had her back to us? So her back was bending. She was able to spin around and then a lifeguard came over and helped her up. Haha it was intense for a minute! Our teachers told us not to get any of the water in our mouths because we might get a parasite! Bbuuutt that's really hard when you're swimming? So we'll see what happens.
After Agua Azul we went to Misol Ha, another waterfall. It was beautiful. Alot of people wanted to swim here but we didnt get to. We found a bunch of fossils in the rocks at the waterfall, because its made of limestone and used to be underwater so there was seashells.
After the waterfall we finished our drive to Palenque.. dude it is so hot and humid here.. you take a shower, and immediately feel gross. I can't imagine living in this all the time, like in Florida or Georgia or Mexico lol. Im looking forward to everything though. We ate dinner at a restaurant close to our hotel, I wasn't feeling that great so I only had rice and beans.. and a banana liquado con leche (like a milkshake). After we boxed up our leftovers to give to poor people! There are so many around here who have nothing to eat, and our portions are so large we can't finish so we gave out our extra food.

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