Tuesday, May 15, 2012

San Ignacio, Belize; Day 23

Our trip is coming to a close! This last week is like a party though, everyday is great, new things and we don't have homework or classes - at least I don't! I'll have a little bit of work to do when I get home but maybe I can get some done on the train.
This morning we woke up and had to be at the dock to catch the charter boat to Belize City at 7. I feel bad for the boatmen because they have to load all of our stuff, and we have so much of it! One of the guys looked at our bags and said, "What, have you guys been here for a month?" Little did he know that we pretty much have, HERE as in Central America. We had our 45 minute boat ride back to Belize City and are now on the bus with our Beloved Bus Driver Frank and Erik on our way to San Ignacio. Today we will go to the Iguana Conservation Project and ziplining! We are dropping off Emily and Taylor at the zoo because they have interviews for internships here!
It's so stormy right now! Like pouring rain and lightening and thundering, it's awesome! We haven't seen rain our whole trip until now, it's alright with me :)

The Iguana project was really cool! We separated our large group into two and half of us went to the project and half of us went to lunch, and then we switched. The Iguana project is there because in Belize a lot of people hunt iguanas for meat, they call them the Bamboo Chicken because they often live near rivers in bamboo and they apparently taste like chicken. They are a delicacy here. Since so many people hunt iguana, the project has rescued them and raises babies until they are large enough to fend off predators, then they are released into the wild to raise the population.
We got to go into a cage with some huge iguanas, there was a couple dominant males that were HUGE! Like 3-4 feet but I guess they can get to be even 8 feet long. We got to hold some little babies too, they wanted to climb to the highest place so they all ended up on our heads. One of my friends on the trip, Dana, ended up with about 9 on her head at once, it was awesome.
We went to lunch after and ate at some Creole buffet, they had stewed chicken, stewed beef, fish in creole sauce (tomato base with coconut milk), salad, coleslaw, potato salad, fried plantains, bans and rice, and more that I can't think of. I love the food here it's so yuummmyy.
Then the zipline! So fun. I can't really even describe this. We separated into groups of 14-15 and went with a guide who suited us up with harnesses, gloves, caribiners, etc. The course had 7 lines, and 15 stations. Sometimes we had to hike, cross bridges, climb ladders, etc to get to the next station. It was way fun! you get up to the line and the guide would hook me up, when he was ready I just jumped off and you fly away! I had a glove with a thick piece of leather, when you get close enough to the end you just pull down on the line and you stop. If you don't stop you end up running into the guide or the tree or something and you die. lol. It was all really fun! I would definitely do it again.
We ate dinner at this restaurant/bar/grill called Hode's Place. It was pretty chill, I liked it. Chicken, potato salad and rice - typical Belize.
I'm rooming with a girl I have really learned to love dearly! :) If this trip has taught me anything, it's love and charity... At first I was annoyed by certain members of the tour because I didn't think my personality meshed with them.. What doesn't mesh is my attitude - once I realized that it's up tome to make that choice, to change my attitude, I can love anyone, and I definitely learned to do that on this tour.

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